Stronger Together
Join more than 800 of your colleagues in pursuit of higher wages, better benefits, better working conditions, and higher quality educational outcomes.

Salary and Benefits
Educators deserve professional pay for professional work — and the members of MVEA are fighting together to ensure we're paid what we're worth and for our benefits such as health insurance and retirement.

MVEA members are advocating for and winning increased funding, raising respect for all public educators, and ensuring our schools are safe.

Collective Power
We support each other at the bargaining table, in the community, and in your schools. Through collective action, we can bring about change for our students, ourselves, and our community.

Student Success
We believe that all students have the right to a public education that helps them reach their full potential. Members are the best advocates, and to that end we enable members like you to speak with unity and authority on the issues that matter.

The Benefits of Membership
Membership empowers active teachers and special service providers to come together and have a say in our classrooms, schools, and workplaces. Joining together in a strong union gives us the power in numbers to negotiate with our employers about our pay and working conditions and to advocate for our profession with elected officials and other decision makers.
In addition, as a member of CEA and NEA you have access to a variety of other benefits. Whether it’s access to legal services or discounts on shopping and travel or savings on home and car insurance, membership in the union provides a range of tangible benefits.